"Change Management starts with changing how we learn".
Most government and business leaders have a vague sense of unease about the quality, quantity, return on investment, and strategic direction of their training and workforce development investments. Lacking a detailed strategic training plan, and a complementary technology road-map, most organizations will fail to engage millennial learners—resulting in wasted resources and staff continuing to lack critical skills.
The contemporary ideal adult learning environment is highly engaging, using individualized approaches in blended learning environments via distributive, multimedia, web-based technologies. Unfortunately, most organizations are still stuck with mass-directed information which is “broadcast” via inefficient resident topic experts, using out-moded technology and ossified adult learning models. How can any manager expect to manage change while lacking any real advance in workforce skills and attitudes?
Do your “homework” prior to diving into training, invest in the most efficient technologies, and have a strategic action plan that specifically addresses the gap between your intended end state and the current reality of your training capabilities. Let ISC’s Instructional System Designers (ISDs) complete the analysis, help you build a tailored learning environment, and provide highly-interactive web-based content. Our approach focuses on digital multimedia and “serious games” which emulate the environment where contemporary learners exchange digital information in their daily lives.

To be recognized as the “best” provider of strategic learning services that enable a measurable difference, increase learner engagement, positively impact student-to-instructor ratios, and promote a life-long learning concept.
ISC delivers comprehensive, train-as-you-fight, learner-centric, cutting-edge interactive multimedia instruction (levels 1-4) founded on instructional system design and operational expertise utilizing our content agnostic ADDIE approach.
We do the "homework" for you
ISDs with advanced degrees conduct the up front research of your training goals compared to the "ground truth" of your current training efficacy and ability to influence your work force.
We provide the road-map to achieve your goals
Our experts build a tailored learning campaign underpinned by your organization's strategic goals. This learning campaign has a parallel, complementary technology plan which will suggest the most cost-effective technology investments to build your Holistic Learning Environment.
We build the learning content that you need
Our team of ISDs, Education and Entertainment Software Engineers, and Commercial-grade Graphic Designers will work with your Subject Matter Experts to provide interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI), Serious Games, and blended learning content via the proper Learning Management System (LMS).
We evaluate the results and help you plan for the future
Using Advanced Analytics embedded in our training products, we can track educational metrics and provide critical feedback that takes the guesswork out of the inevitable question of "what did we get from our investment?".
Core Competence
Instructional System Design – Impacts student to Instructor Rations
Systematic ADDIE Process
Spiral & Agile
Content Agnostic
Training Needs Analysis
Production Capability – Application of Technology to Increase Learner Engagement
IMI Level 1-4 Development (Models & Simulations)
Digital Learning Content
Intelligent Tutoring, Gaming, & Consequence Based Learning Methods
Customized Training, Design, & Delivery
Training – Improve Overall Student Experience
Training Evaluation
Curriculum Development
Distance, Blended, and eLearning
Live, Virtual and Constructive Training
Learning Management System – Promote Life-Long Learning
Collection of Qualitative and Quantitative Knowledge Transfer
Facilitation of Data-Driven Decision-Making to Improve Learning Products
Evaluation of User-Created Content
Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) – Levels 1-4
Instructional System Analysis & Design
Traditional Training & Education
Live, Virtual & Constructive Training
Distance, Blended, & eLearning
Serious Gaming/Simulations
Full Spectrum Cyber Training
Synthetic War Exercises
Evaluation Analysis & Lessons Learned